World Domination

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The world Domination Missions are made by Doomknight. He would like to get feedback about the first 2 missions. It's not a campaign yet, but below you see a way to build a Campaign out of them.
How to make a campaign.
When you have unzipped both the files to your total folder, you just need a way to get it into game. For this, you need to construct a Campaign. A Campaign can consist of just one mission, or many. All you need to do to create a Campaign is the following:
  • create a new directory inside of your Total Annihilation directory, called "camps" (usually resulting in c:\cavedog\totala\camps ).
  • Here, create a text file; call it whatever you want your campaign to be called, and instead of the .txt extension, make it a .tdf file instead.
  • Then edit the file, and make it look something like this:
  • [HEADER]
    	missionfile=My Mission.ufo;
    	missionname=My very first mission;
    	missionfile=My Other Mission.ufo;
    	missionname=My very second mission;
    Of course, your file should have the name of your mission in the "missionfile=" category. The "missionname=" is what shows up as the name of the mission in the campaign screen. You can add more missions in the same format by simply calling them [MISSION2] [MISSION3] and so on. Note that two missions are shown here only for example purposes; if you like you can have just one. And you can change ARM to CORE if you'd like, as well.
    While every care has been taken to ensure trouble free operation of this TA game modification, World Domination is freeware and I can accept no responsibility for any damages caused by the use of this program.

    World Domination is a "Total Conversion" made by Wesley Blokker and Iwan Setiawan and is copyrighted material, you MUST ask permission before you include this TC or any part of it on a CD and you may not sell World Domination nor use this TC in any other commercial way without getting permission from Wesley Blokker or Iwan Setiawan! you may NOT modify this TC and claim it is yours, and you may NOT add work of your own to this TC without permission from one of the two mentioned authors.

    This site and all images are property of Estrella and permission 
    must be asked before you duplicate anything or use parts of this 
    site anywhere else.
    WD-Missions-01.shtml © Estrella , and Doom Knight, 2001,2002,2003,2004. Wednesday, 31-May-2006 01:20:47 EDT