World Domination | |||||
Home | Mospact | Nato | Downloads | Extra Units | Screen Dumps |
AI's | Maps 01 | Maps 02 | Missions | Eye Candy | Short Story |
World Domination © Version 4.0 07/08/04 - 24 Mb AI | |
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Special AI's for World Domination | |
World Domination Maps Section 1 | |
World Domination Maps Section 2 | |
Extra Units | |
Missions | |
A World Domination Short Story | |
NOTE: World Domination requires a main TA file, you can either install the Core Contingency add on or rename REV31.GP3 into REV31.HPI, This will fix a bug where TA crashes when loading the textures. | |
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Disclaimer While every care has been taken to ensure trouble free operation of this TA game modification, World Domination is freeware and I can accept no responsibility for any damages caused by the use of this program. | |
Some images and/or sounds used in this "Total Conversion" of the Game Total Annihilation might be copyrighted, all these sounds and/or images belong to there respective owners and if due legal reasons the sounds and/or images may not be included in this pack I will remove it from the TC or Total Conversion immediately! Total Annihilation is a registered trademark of Cave Dog entertainment, Cave Dog entertainment is a trademark of Humongous entertainment. This "Total Conversion" is made by Wesley Blokker and Iwan Setiawan and is copyrighted material, you MUST ask permission before you include this TC or any part of it on a CD and you may not sell World Domination nor use this TC in any other commercial way without getting permission from Wesley Blokker or Iwan Setiawan! you may NOT modify this TC and claim it is yours, and you may NOT add work of your own to this TC without permission from one of the two mentioned authors. | |
====== HAVE FUN ====== | |
-=GrOuNd_ZeRo=- |
-=Maestro=- |
This site and all images are property of Estrella and permission must be asked before you duplicate anything or use parts of this site anywhere else.
WD-Downloads.shtml © Estrella , -=Maestro=- and -=GrOuNd_ZeRo=-, 2001,2002,2003,2004. Wednesday, 31-May-2006 01:20:42 EDT