World Domination

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Maestro's improved AI for World Domination
WD AI 4 2005 - 118 Kb
Important :
The AI now works at all three levels so actually u got 6 different kinds of AI :) 
The tough AI can be played best with LOS=permanent.
The medium AI ican be played best with LOS=true.... 
In multiplayer games all players must use/have the same type of AI.
Feedback is very welcome at
Major Bigg's World Domination AI's
WD AI Version 8.0 - 9 Kb
WD AI Version 6.0 - 160 Kb
WD AI Booster For AI Version 6.0 and above - 16 Kb
Makes your AI even more difficult to defeat.
WD AI Version 4.0 - 5 Kb
WD AI Version 2.0 - 5 Kb
WD AI Version 1.0 - 4 Kb
Description and History:
Major Bigg's World Domination AI v8 Noncheating 10/02/02

1. this ai over comes certain "bugs" which limited GZ ai to only working on HARD. or.. 
the ai will only build mexs..  the reason my ai overcame this is because it obviously 
doesn't use the ore extractors or power stations. ;)
2. the ai was made completly from stratch (like all my ai makings.) this ai is catigory based. 
there are no bugs, the ai builds exactly what it should.
3. this ai works only on land battles. it does not support airbattles, or seabattles. (right now)

if you have questions, comments, complaints, problems, suggestions. etc. about the AI 
send me an email at

I deleted it, dont know where any copy of it is. so i had to make v1 all over. v1.
Took the aiboost (one i always use in my ai.) and made a few edits on it, change the download/ from arm and core con to the nato and mospac con. then i changed the aib to make 300 m and 3000 e. (enough to support about 30 plants/con. i looked through all the catigories in WDv1 i noticed a few things like that are important like defensive meaning things like pillboxs etc. and that units that were in the catigory BOTH were the units that the ai doesn't know how to use, like walls, sand bags, transport planes. etc. v2.
Fine tuned settings for easy, medium, hard. the ai now makes resource units so now the ai just looks real and also, the ai makes more defenses. the ai had a few bugs in v1. it didnt seem like radars got built so i fixed that too. the ai will not build up super fast. it builds up the whole military slowly. (almost realilistic to a human.. though i think humans would build much slower) the 3 settings should prove interesting. the best part is that the ai can be used in unit limits 200 - 500+. just select a setting where the ai could still be able to make offense units after it's base reached its max. if you use the 500 unit limit, the easy setting will be easy, and its base would be much easier to take out compared to the hard setting. so my WD ai should get on people's good side now. :D easy = 80 units in base (a 200 unit limit could be used) medium = 155 units in base (a 250 unit limit could be used) hard = 230 units in base. (300+ unit limit could be used) v3.
Changes aiboost, it now makes 2000 e 80 m (hard) easy it would now be making 1000 e and 40 m. so the aiboost now affected by terrain it loses, or gains. it shouldn't run out of power, ore is the back bone of the AI economy. the ai will rush (early game) and eventually slow down as the ai is using more metal than the aiboost provides. so now the ai relies on mining. so the aiboost wont have that HUGE advantage as the game continues. (300, 3000) you know what i could do with that! i could support 30 plants making the main battle tanks.. other than that. there were no complaints on v2. except for things i already knew. "ai kicks everyone's butt" i couldn't beat the ai on easy either.. :P so v3 should have reached my goal of an artifical human opponent that looks (base) and plays (unit wise and expansion) realilistic. also i had to increase the total metal extractors in the base, to support the ai in the long term game. so more units are now in the ai base. the ai should notably be slower than previously, since this ai is now nanostalling on metal in mid game. it will be forced to take over land to surive, and reclaim rubble in the base in order to build up more resource units to support the ai.. easy = 90 units in base. medium = 160 units in base. hard = 240 units in base. v4.
Changed the aiboost so the ai gets 2000 e10m (hard) 1000e 5m (easy) the reason for this is so the ai is like a human. thirsty for metal to fuel the war. the more land it has, the stronger it is, the less, the weaker the ai is.. energy is infinite so the ai doesn't choke itself on needing 2 things. i like the idea so much that i am thinking of using it for my totalwarAI and the gmta ai. there is only 1 thing in this World Domination AI that is a bug. I HATE THE EXE. i dont know what version GZ used but the ai is always stupid. some reason easy and hard work but medium doesn't! (the ai makes 1 mex and then goes on standby) I won't even waste my time figuring the "method to the built in AI for WD madness." If people do not like v4 they can make their own ai! :p I do not hear feed back for the WD ai. the only feedback i got was complaining it was "too hard/not realilistic" which i always knew. The motivation I got for fixing this was that the ai kept beating me on the desert triad 1vs1 easy and by taking the aiboost out the ai was too easy on hard!. v5 9/27/02
(v6?? huh? i quit on v4 how can v6 exist? on the World Domination web pages??) * updated v4 to make it work in the new enviroment (better known as World Domination v2.0 which uses .wdu instead of .fbi, causing the ai not to use the aiboost and therfore be very weak) * added high individual weights on IHCBARR, NATOBARR, IHCENGI, and NATOENGI. made limits on factories more sane, where the ai can support itself easily. and the ai is just strong enough to survive ever attack i give i and give one back, it is fun (to me) it seems like I will beat it if i can just make a few more Soldiers, but it doesnt happen. so its very realistic to me. and the ai works perfectly to me. i dont really care much for the airbattle or seabattle, since it takes 10 minutes to make a ship, or something crazy like that. airbattle would require the ai to go through each level, (infantry-tank-aircraft) in order to use aircraft for an airbattle profile, so i dont care right now. i will make profiles for seabattle, and airbattle later. *This AI is very realistic, i noticed that the WD maps have hardly anything to use for metal, so infantry always seems to be the best strategy, so the ai uses mostly infantry, then tanks, then later it will use aircraft. (i think much later than previous versions did) also the ai can build as fast as i can, not 10x faster, so it seems realistic and uses pretty much all the metal it mines for its war effort. *THE ONLY REASON WHY I MADE v5 WAS BECAUSE I GOT 1 EMAIL FOR FEEDBACK!!!! otherwise i wouldnt have cared. since i pretty much left making ai for world domination. GMTA (my other and primary ai making work) i stoped work on too. i got bored and no one even seemed to use the AIs.. *If people find this ai too easy, i will make multiple ai boosts so the ai will be stronger. v6 9/28/02
*made a few altertions to v5 so ai is noncheating and is good at it. *if you download the aiboost for it, it will make the ai harder. (meaning it will attack sooner and gain strength faster) *made an aiboost unit that is not a metal box. :o gasp.. the ai unit is another unit from WD that will be made quickly, be 2x as strong as the wd version, and it makes 1ke, 3m (hard) and 500e, 1.5m (easy) also, it defends quite well. but the unit doesnt get built untill the ai starts out on it's own a little. (doesnt really matter though, the ai is a lot stronger with it) v7 9/29/02
*noticed many category problems, no structure.. im just using what works for each type of unit. hopefully they remain like this, and dont change completely again like the change from wdv1 to v2soldier, solder (must be the russian word) no more kbot- ctrl_i works so ill use that RAD - ctrl_r.. ill just use rad since artillery are also ctrl_r tank - still tanks and the sort energy - still power plants defensive -still defense units ctrl_f (doesnt support just plants? also fighters?) - im just going to use plant Replairpad - repairs air units.. im adding repairpad just for the heck of it. underwater - u-boats adding ship and underwater so the ai builds them ctrl_w (ships?)- ship both -still those units the ai cant use ctrl_b (i think is still construction units) i know constr is so ill just use that. ctrl_v, ctrl_g, ctrl_f- all aircraft so ill just use ctrl_v like always. *oh yeah.. i made a seabattle, oh and and airbattle too! *added individual weights on plants for the seabattle and airbattle profiles. *cleaned up AI profiles so the easy,medium,hard were not redundent. only added changing values there. *fixed bug where when weight tank 0 no con vehicle built. put limit tank 0 instead. (limit for constr is below tank limit) *finally found a way actually 2 ways, to fix the problem with the t72 building even though the tank weight or limit is 0. 1. the categories are not working, ctrl_t doesnt work, none of them work. it is because the line right above it has two ; "SelfDestructAs=TANK;;" so categories dont work as a result.. so my way to fix it so the seabattle and airbattle ai work perfect is limit t72 0 on those profiles. It works now! i spent 3 days on this bug and the one above. *made metal versions of the battle profiles. metal versions make more plants so it has a bigger military. (energy/metal limits raised to support it) slightly more defense units made. *fixed misspelling of "replairpad" *finished testing/fixing each profile, ai appears to run great, support's each ?tech? as it builds and expands. ai supports it's self, no more bugs found. only thing that bother's me is that the ai doesnt seem to make enough naval. Since there are only 2 ways to fix this, i tried my best. But if you really want the ai to use naval, you have to download an aiunit. it doesnt really add cheating abilities, it is just the a con plane that can over underwater to build the naval dock and to make the ai build adv. airplants, since it doesnt really look like the ai wants to for a very long time. so it builds only those 2 things. im calling the patch? "aiconstr" v8 10/02/02
Maybe the last ai? unless i get emails saying some suggestions for the ai. I'm out of ideas, the ai does everything perfectly, and my long pursuit of making the ai work on seabattle/airbattle is done. It works on those. The ai is now a noncheating that supports itself pretty good (my goal for all of my ai projects) So i think i'm finished making the world domination AI.. I learned a lot about category based ai over the last few days working on this ai. and i think im moving on to a category based ai for OTA. just think of the potential. an ai the is pretty good at supporting all units, ota, 3rd party for the arm/core.. new races probably will work 1/2 decent.. also, pretty much any mod in existence has a 1/2 decent chance of working with the ai. the only problem will be defense units. there is no way to limit them. same with units like nukes or other things the ai cant use well.. it's the ultimate task. if i do it, i might get popularity. lol. pretty much every ai in existence limits individual units. the downfall is compatibilty.. i've been working on category based ai since 6-17-01, more than a year. i never thought i would get this far.. but i did. so ill try ota now.. Major Bigg

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WD-AI.shtml © Estrella and Major Bigg, 2001,2002,2003,2004. Wednesday, 31-May-2006 01:20:41 EDT